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Text File | 1992-11-23 | 10.1 KB | 385 lines | [TEXT/MSWD] |
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- Shareware/ PD Recommendation List
- by Oliver Giessler osg@aeglos.hanse.de/ CIS 100135,267
- with the help of the Usenet familie
- You can help! Send me your suggestions for the list.
- A lot of users asked for it. They want our tips and ex-
- perience.
- There is no garanty for anything. There can be a better
- programm, and the most recommended program could have a
- bug or is not supported anymore. And so on ...
- Get the up-do-date hitlist from: hitlist@aeglos.hanse.de
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- The programs are sorted in categories. A number in front
- of a program represents the number of recommendations I
- have received so far. When ever it was possible is there
- a short description. But as you can see most prgs do not
- have one because I do not know them all :-). So send me a
- short description for the prgs you know. Thank you!
- As you can see: The list is long. Should I change it? I do
- not know exactly. Pro: It is getting shorter. Contra: Only a
- programm with more then one recommendation will be on the
- list. What do you think about diverting category 8.4 System
- extension in categorys 8.4.1 controll panels, 8.4.2 system
- extensions? Who can help me to manage this? Should I throw
- the games out? The list is a saturday night idea, but after
- all the positive reactions I will manage it as long as I can.
- Last but not least: Please check my english. It is not my
- mother tongue ...
- 1. Text Processing
- 12 BBedit (Texteditor)
- 9 Alpha (Editor esp. for TeX/ LaTeX and programmers)
- 5 OzTeX (TeX/LaTeX typesetting system)
- 2 MiniWriter
- 2 McSink (DA Texteditor)
- 2 FlashWrite II (notepad DA)
- 2 Edit II (Text editor)
- Add/Strip (shareware program to mung text files)
- DocMaker (Creates stand-alone documentation)
- MacGawk
- MockWrite (DA text editor)
- Quill (read text from wp formatted files)
- SigmaEdit (DA text editor)
- 2. Database
- 2 Easy View (keeps track of text files in a special format.
- Usefull for archiving the weekly posted TidBITS)
- PSI (written on Prolog)
- 3. Calculation/ Spreadsheets
- 2 BiPlane (Shareware Spreadsheet)
- 2 Calculator II (Calculator DA)
- 2 dCAD (old scientific/programmer calculator)
- 2 NumberCrunch
- Dt Calculator 3.0 (freeware RPN scientific calculator)
- HPxx 1.1eng
- MathPad
- 4. Grafics/ Layout
- 6 GIFConverter (convert graphics formats, view GIFs)
- 3 Lightningpaint (full B/W paint programm)
- 3 Flash-It (screen capture util)
- 2 NIH Image (color drawing and image processing package)
- 2 JPGEView (view JPEGs requieres QuickTime)
- ChemEdit (for chemic structures)
- Cyber GIF (GIF viewer)
- theTypeBook
- 5. Games
- 5 Solarian II (Color arcade)
- 5 Klondike (shareware game of Solitaire)
- 4 Tetris Max (a Tetris clone but)
- 3 Jewelbox (color arcade game)
- 3 Diamonds (now gone commercial/ Color arcade)
- 2 Storm (Tempest clone/ Color arcade)
- 2 StarRunner (B/W arcade)
- 2 Slime Invaders (B/W arcade)
- 2 Iraq Attack (Color arcade)
- 2 Glypha II (Color arcade)
- 2 Glider (now commercial/ B/W arcade)
- Artillery
- Backgammon
- Battleship
- BeamWars
- Bolo
- Bonk
- Camel
- Canfield
- Checkers
- CINC (like Strategic Conquest)
- Continuum
- Cribbage
- Dice-It
- Dragon
- Dungeon of Doom (old graphical adventure)
- Forty Theives (solitare game)
- Galactic Empire
- Galactic Trader
- Gin Rummy
- GunShy
- Hearts
- MacBZone
- MacChase (B/W arcade)
- MacCribbage
- MacLanding (B/W arcade)
- MacMines
- Medieval Empires
- Missle (B/W arcade)
- Montana
- Moria
- Otello
- Pararena (now commercial/ B/W arcade)
- Phrase Craze (Wheel of Fortune)
- Risk
- Scruffy (B/W arcade)
- Solitaire
- SpaceInvader (Color arcade)
- Sparkz (Qix)
- Stratego
- Strip-Mac! (An adult card game)
- Super Dice-It
- Zork/Dungeon (text adventure game)
- 6. Sound
- 4 Sound-Tracker (plays *.mod files; known from other computers)
- 2 SoundMaster (special sounds for finder events)
- 2 Sound Mover (very similar to the Font/DA Mover)
- SndControl (a CDEV which allows associating sounds to various events)
- Sound Extractor
- 7. Telecommunication
- 7.1. Terminal and transfer utilities
- 18 ZTerm (Terminal)
- 3 Kermit Tool GH (Transfer protocol)
- DialScript
- MacKermit
- MiniTerm (Terminal)
- Term
- 7.2. UUCP and TCP
- 6 Fetch (MacTCP)
- 5 NCSA Telnet (MacTCP)
- 3 Turbogopher (MacTCP)
- 3 Nuntius (MacTCP UUCP Newsreader)
- 3 NewsWatcher (MacTCP UUCP Newsreader)
- 3 MacLayers
- 2 Eudora (MacTCP)
- BroadCast
- Fernmail (MacTCP)
- POPMail (MacTCP UUCP Mailreader)
- UUCP (UUCP :-) )
- XferIt
- 8. Utilities
- 4 SaveaBNDL (application allows one to fix applications whose icons do not display properly)
- 3 DarkSide of the Mac (Screensaver)
- 2 System Errors DA (lists error codes with brief explainations)
- 2 Folder Icon Maker (make folders with a individual icon)
- 2 Find Pro II (finds a file on your HD)
- DeskPict (picture instead of the standard desktop pattern)
- Desktop Textures (Desktop pattern)
- Excalibur (English spell checker)
- MacBooz
- Members Only (Apple Talk Net Tool)
- Network Time (clock setting for TCP/IP networked Macs; requires timed on a Unix host)
- ProcessWatcher
- Query It
- Search Files
- Speedometer (Benchmark)
- System Picker (choose system from a multi systems HD)
- Tickle
- Windowshade
- ZoomSwitch
- 8.1 Compression and Translation/ Conversion
- (Note: Compactor and Stuffit are the compression programms the mac
- community uses for 99.9% of the archivs. If you want to make a archive
- public PLEASE use one of them. Binhex is the standard format for making
- them ready for text transfer.)
- 8.1.1 Compression
- 23 Compact Pro 1.3.3 (Compression)
- 16 Stuffit Lite (Compression)
- 8 StuffitExpander (Expands sit, cpt and AppleLink archivs)
- 4 MacCompress (Uncompresses unix-compressed (.Z) files)
- UnZip
- 8.1.2 Translation/ Conversion
- 6 DeHQX (Batch de-binhexing in the background)
- 4 UULite (transfers file from binary format to text)
- 3 SunTar
- 2 UUTool (transfers file from binary format to text)
- 2 MacBinary
- 2 DownLine
- 2 BinHex5 (transfers file _from_ binary format to text)
- CPTExpand
- DDEXpand (Expands DiskDoubler archives)
- Tar
- 8.2 Virus
- (Note: Deleted in the moment. What is the appropriate reaction, when
- thinking that your computer has been infected?)
- 30 Disinfectant (easy to use and protects against every known virus)
- 17 GateKeeper (protects against even unknown viruses)
- 2 VirusDetective
- VirusBlockade
- 8.3 Disk
- (Note: Remember that your disk may contains very important data and
- that a dammaged disk can cause a lose of data. Therefor use only disk
- programms which are stable and test them with not so important data!
- Whenever possible contains this list only widly used and tested well
- behaving programms)
- 3 FileTyper
- 3 Apple DiskCopy
- 2 Loodle (great disk labeller)
- 2 Filelist+ (file indexer)
- 2 DiskStatus
- 2 AliasDirector (manage the aliases on a disk)
- AppDisk (RAM disk)
- CatStuff (what floppy holds what - HyperCard stack)
- DiskTop (now gone commercial)
- File Lister
- Finder Info
- 8.4 System extension
- 12 SuperClock! (menu bar clock, calendar and timer)
- 8 BeHierarchic v1.0.5 (hierarchical Apple menus, last shareware version)
- 7 PopChar (superior KeyCaps replacement)
- 7 Apollo (application launching and application switching)
- 5 SpeedyFinder7 (finder enhancement, application substitution)
- 3 Scroll2 (double-headed scroll arrows)
- 3 Open-wide (more space for file names in the file selector)
- 3 Extensions Manager
- 3 AutoClock (sets system clock by calling a US time server)
- 2 Zipple
- 2 The grouch (it is a REALY funny extension for your trashcan)
- 2 Notify (Alarm/reminder utility)
- 2 Escapade
- 2 DoubleScroll
- 2 DfaultD (Assigns applications default dir plus keeps a Boomerang-style directory history)
- 2 DepthGuage (quick (but dangerous) way to change screen depth)
- 2 DepthChange
- 2 Default Application
- 2 carpetbag (like Suitcase)
- 2 BAD (Maps out bad sectors from bad floppies/ pointless under System 7)
- 2 AutoAssassin
- 2 AltCDEF
- Anonymity
- AOL Aid
- AutoMenues (pull down menues without mouse click)
- Backlight Control (CDEV which will dim a PowerBook's screen after a specified period of time)
- Bomb Shelter (Activated the Resume button)
- ButtonKey
- CFloppy
- ChooserUser
- Color Changer (1/2/4/8 bits)
- ColorSwitch
- CopyBeep
- Default App
- Dropple Menu
- FinderPaths
- InUse
- KopyKat
- List Font
- MacEnvy (a kind of profiler)
- MacLights
- MaxAppleZoom (Expands the working area on 13" monitors with some video cards)
- MenueChoice (hierarchic Apple Menue, more functions than BeHierarchic )
- Moire (Screen saver)
- Mouse 2
- NameViewer
- NoBalloonMenu
- RAM Check
- Randomizer (picks said desktop picture at random from a folder)
- SCSI Probe (Mounts unmounted SCSI drives)
- SoftwareFPU (substitutes a real FPU)
- StickyClick
- Syspic (System Picke
- Unscrolly
- Window Warp
- Windows
- ZoomBar
- 8.5 Printing
- 5 SaveATree (for printing massive text files as tiny multicolumn print)
- 3 Print2Pict (Chooser Ext. which allows one to print to the screen, clipboard)
- 2 Font Printer
- 2 DMM LaserWriter stuff
- Font Clerk
- Font Show
- lpr
- MockPrinter
- N-up LaserWriter
- The Typebook
- 9. Organizers (addresses/ dates etc.)
- 12 AddressBook (powerfull address organizer)
- 7 Remember? (Reminds you on dates or to-do items)
- 2 To Do!
- 2 Phonebook DA (includes dialer via modem or speaker)
- 2 Do It All!
- LogIt
- PasteIt Notes
- PhoneBook Plus
- StopWatch
- 10. Programming
- 3 THINK Back (put the compiler in the background)
- 2 Gambit Scheme (Language, too bugy warning received)
- MacOberon (Language, not maclike)
- OpenProlog (Language)
- PowerBreak (Allows one to drop into MacsBug on a PowerBook)
- Programmer's Key (Interrupt with the Power key)
- THINK C Marker (Think C utility)
- TransSkel (soure code package)
- 11. Simualation
- 12. The forgotten ones :-)
- 2 ResCompare
- ---------------------------------
- And here a tip for american readers:
- There's a book called "The Mac Shareware 500"; it has the 500 most popular
- shareware and freeware programs listed, with ratings from one to five
- stars next to each.
- ----------------------------------
- That´s all folks! I hope this list is helpfull for you. If you like you can
- send me a postcard:
- Oliver Giessler - Kulenwisch 12 - W 2000 Hamburg 63 - Germany